Callout for Donations and current situation on Lesvos !

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The winter is coming and the situation becomes more and more threatening for refugees. No border kitchen is supporting refugees on the island of Lesvos, Greece. Unfortunately our supplies are very limited and we need your support now!

The situation on Lesvos:

Since months thousands of people are on an escape. They escape from war, terror, repression, totalitarian regime and exploitation over decades. They whish for a more comfortable life in Europe.

Instead of helping the people in need, Europe decided to close down the borders and ignore the complicity of the situation. Humans who put themselves in a high risk and came full of hope for a life in peace in Europe are facing a similar scenario here in Lesvos. The authorities prevent them from liberty of action and put them in camps with degrading conditions. They are forced to submit to the organisation of this so called “Refugee crises”. Furthermore refugees are partly helplessly exposed to the agitation and attacks of Greek racists.

We from “no border kitchen” cannot accept this. Every human being should have freedom of movement and should be able to decide on their own how they want to organize themselves, irrespective of their origin.

According to official numbers (UNHCR) around 16000 refugees are placed on the Greek islands. The actual number is not known.

At the moment 6000 refugees are held around Mytilene. The two main refugee camps Kara Tepe and Moria together have a capacity of 3500 people and are therefore hopelessly overcrowded.

Kara Tepe is a camp mainly for families; around 1000 humans are registered here. That makes Moria a hotspot with 5000 humans, how many humans are actually “living” there is not known.


Moria became a notorious camp, even big NGOs left the camp because they don’t want to support the conditions in there. There are twice as many people living as the camp has capacities. People are divided by nation and treated differently. This promotes racism. Conflicts between these groups are part of daily life.

The sanitary conditions are terrible.

For food the waiting times are often one to two hours (for a very small meal) and the supply of clothes is insufficient.

Especially now, in the winter time, people are freezing in their containers or tents.

In this chaos humans are exposed to a lot of stress. There is no room for privacy.

Some people are in the camp for nine months already as their application for Asylum is processed very slowly or not at all. Some people don’t have the chance to apply for Asylum at all.

Many people cannot endure these conditions and choose to sleep in empty buildings or on the street. These people have to hide from police because they are obliged to sleep in the camps.

Work of “No Border Kitchen”

No Border Kitchen supports the idea of equality.

Everyone should be able to choose how to organise themselves where to move, where to sleep.

For this we created a social center together with the refugees where people can meet and talk. We cook 600 meals on a daily basis (400 for the social centre and 200 for people who live on the street).

Everyone is welcome in the social centre. Some come from the camps to eat, many others left the camps and try to live on their own with only 80€ per month or without money at all. Impartial of that we try to support groups of people who left the camps (around 80 people) with boxes of food two to three times per week

We try to gather donations everyday (clothes, blankets, medicine).

Winter is coming and many people don’t have warm clothes and blankets.

As we are not an official NGO this is a challenge everyday.

In addition Greek public authorities try to interfere with our work as equality makes controlling the refugees harder.

At the moment we are the only group that supports self-organized refugees in this manner.

We are financed mainly by donations from Germany (around 6000€/month),

but as more and more people are coming and we have to prepare for winter the money is not sufficient. If you want we can send a financial summary of the last 3 months.

What can you do?

We are looking for more support. We need financial support, contributions in kind, like clothes (especially jackets), shoes, medicine or practicable things like paper cups for food distribution, cooking utensils, power generator, old mobile phones (only way to keep contact) and so on…

In addition to that we are happy about every helping hand!

You can find more information on

Facebook: No Border Kitchen Lesvos

Twitter: @noborderkitchen


Please take a minute and have a look at our work. Maybe you cannot help yourself but know someone who can.

Donations to this account:

Rote Hilfe OG Salzwedel
IBAN: DE93 4306 0967 4007 2383 12
Comment: NBK Lesvos

No human is illegal!

Changes in the new Social Center 2.0


The last week was very powerful. We cleaned up the area outside of our Social Center. So we have now more space for games like football other outside- plays. 🙂

And also its good for the environment, because we cleaned all the plastic!

But also from inside our building get an optical change. Together with a lot of children we was creative and designed the walls with beautiful colors and painted pictures.

Step by Step the Social Center 2.0 get more and more beautiful!



These days are busy days for us. We are still working on cleaning the old beach and at the same time building the new social center. Also in these days cops started to bother us more and more.
During the last weeks they controlled us and the car several times before or after food distribution, thus delaying it and annoying us without any reason or further purpose. Also they have visited our rented space in the center three times now, two times taking all persons that were in the place to the police station. As if his wasn’t enough, they also came by the new squats and announced the eviction.
The first day in the new building of the social center they came while children were playing during the lunchtime. Without any eviction paper they entered the building to force everybody who didn’t look european enough to come with them. Two European women questioned the legitimation of their behavior and ended up in getting beaten by one plainclothesman who refused to identify himself afterwards. Luckily everybody got out of the police station and Camp Moria quite fast and despite the repression our work goes on.
For now we still are in the space, not simply giving it in to their threats. We are still continuing to build and run it and we don’t plan to leave it after simple threats without any legal groundings. Still we are cooking several hundred portions of food every day. And still we fight for sustaining the autonomous spaces for all refugees, migrants, travelers and visitors that need them.
Also still we need support and people to join us for winter!
Traveler Digital Camera

Traveler Digital Camera


Welcome to the NBK Social center 2.0

The ten days ultimatum are over, the only things left at the beach where used to be a beautiful Social Center are a lot of empty food cups, a few tents still to be packed and a handful of diligent NBK people.

But no worries! We didn’t waste the time we had until the eviction. Quite on the opposite: all of us were busy scouting, cleaning, building and finally preparing new houses. We are happy to announce that we squatted a new space for using!

We have prepared new spaces where we will rebuild our Social center in the next days. On the other hand we also found a new place for living for some people.

Moving the whole social center and preparing an old house for living inside sounds like a lot of work? Yes it is! And we want to share it. So we invite all activists, squatters, travelers, builders, painters, artists, inventors, punks, vagabonds and nomads to come and join us!

If you can’t come you could help us get the material that we need by donating, making a benefit, busking… Have a look on our blog for more infos where to send money etc.

Stay tuned for updates and help us squat the world! They can’t evict our solidarity!

People make Fortress Europe burn- fire in Moria camp yesterday


Yesterday some people burned the EASO office inside Moria in protest.

The EASO, the European Asylum Support Office is responsible to process the asylum applications in Lesvos, they are supposed to organize the registrations and interviews of the people. In reality the fail on many levels, Asylum processes on Lesbos are unbearably slow. Some people wait now for 9 months on Lesbos without having given an appointment for an interview.

Yesterday on Monday October 24th hundreds of people in Moria protested against this failure of the European Union. Furthermore they protested against the deportations happening in a regular basis on Lesbos. In the curse of the demonstrations fire was set to the containers or EASO, reportedly after their staff left. According to media reports half of the offices burned completely. The majority of the protester have Pakistani origin, one of the groups that is most affected by deportations.

Later in the day the police started arresting several people they suspected of being involved in the fire. Also they took the search for this people as an excuse to stop and control people according to their nationality not only inside Moria but also in Mytilini city. What they are doing basically is arresting random people they assume are from Pakistan.

While the burning if the EASO office was an act of resistance and freedom the police took this protest to increase Repression once again. We are once again in solidarity with the protesters in Moria camp and everywhere who, literally or not, set Fortress Europe on fire. We believe that the fight for freedom is always stronger than their repression.

Freedom of Movement for all! Make Fortress Europe history!



10 more days until the eviction

As it looks like, the eviction of the Social Center will be postponed for another 10 days.  The prolonging of the time until the eviction is due to negotiations with the chief of police. We negotiated for another 10 days but that doesn’t mean that we will leave volunterally after! And also it doesn’t mean that the no border social center will be finished after the eviction.

You can’t evict solidarity!

“You can’t evict Solidarity” Campaign calls for support!

“You can`t evict Solidarity” is a campaign against repression and for the support of the concerned persons of the evictions of the solidarity- squatting actions in Greece and the following protest actions in July/August 2016.

No Border Kitchen Lesvos in solidarity with the “You can`t evict Solidarity” campaign.

If you also want to support them visit their blog!

You can’t evict a movement!

Another eviction coming up. They can evict us but not destroy our solidarity and our rage!

Our day started with bad news. Today morning on Tuesday October 18th the police came by to our Social Center to announce the eviction of the place. According to them we will be evicted in 5 days.

This eviction would be the 4th eviction of Noborderkitchen this year. What will be destroyed will be not only a few tents on a windy beach but two months work of building a refuge and temporary home for all of us. We will not give up this place so easily! What they cannot destroy, and what they couldn’t destroy in any of the prior eviction is our solidarity and our rage towards the oppression and violence that the people seeking refuge in Europe face everyday on this Island. We were standing together in the last evictions and we didn’t give up. More than that we managed to build something new and beautiful every time they tried to stop us. We will also stand together this time, and we will not stay silent while the state is extending the repression towards refugees every day and trying to destroy all autonomous places refugees on this island build for themselves.

We will continue to fight!

The eviction happens in the same time of the government deporting more and more people back to Turkey, in the same time of the disgusting deal with Afghanistan, in the same time of the erection of more and more walls in Europe and also in the same time of the destroying of other autonomous places like the Calais Jungle. While the Social Center might look like only a beach where people drink tea, its much more than that to all of us. Its a place for friendship, solidarity and resistance.

If we have to go, we will come back.

Now more than ever we will need your support! With the eviction and also the coming winter we will need more supporters to come and join us. Read our call out here. Also if you can support us otherwise check our blog or contact us by mail.

Together we stand!

Your NBK team