Bangladesh Demonstration

On the15th of December 90 people from Bangladesh got their results of the Asylumcase. 89 are rejected and are open for deportation after a long and dangerous journey.

They don´t want to accept this decission and made a demonstration for 2 days.
The police tried to end this demonstration in a violent way. Some people got hurt.

We supported this demonstration with food.
This is a quote from their demnads.
“We are refugees who are helpless, landless and moneyless; as a result, have lost everything. We approached here just for shelter. Most people have lost their parents attempting to make the journey. We are seeking the aid from a higher step of humanity in order to seek refuge; we risked our lives across the harsh rivers and fierce oceans. Why come here? Back home, we were faced with problems where heartedly grateful to now be in a democratic country which cherishes human rights. Our futures are much brighter and safer here. Our request, please let us move from Lesvos island by giving permission to go mainland.”

Chapati Day

Last week we had a chapati Day in front of Moria camp. We could give food to 3000 people. We had sun music and a very good atmosphare.

Thanks to social kitchen Mytelini who cooked with us on the field, to Tresa who made the movie and to William who played the amazing music.

!!! Callout for support !!! – We need your help

Dear friends of NBK Lesvos,
you all know about the situation here very well, but we would like to give you an update.
Daily, NBK is cooking 600 portions, which we distribute on different places to people, who don´t live in the camps.
Furthermore, we support around 150 people, who organize themselves in small groups with groceries.
The Social Center is a place to go for lot´s of people beyond the governmental structures
and we hope, we can stay there at least during winter.
We already achieved a lot in a short amount of time, but of course it´s still under construction.
At this point the financial situation is already desperate and for 2016 we don´t have any money.
Our monthly expenses:
around 6000€ for food
              500€ for construction material
            1000€ others (fuel, gasoline,…)
So, rob your piggy bank.
Tell your friends about NBK.
Organize solidarity parties and events, where you share your experiences at NBK and call for solidarity.
Please tell us, if you need stuff, or ideas.
We are here and will stay and urgently need your support.
United we stand, divided we fall!
Solidary greetings from „the island“,
Best regards
No Border Kitchen Lesvos


Benefit actions

NBK-piggy bank

Stellt Spendenboxen in solidarischen Kneipen auf

Place donation boxes in solidary pubs


Organisiert Konzerte.

Organize concerts.

Input for output

Macht Lesungen, oder Vorträge. Teilt Eure NBK-Erfahrungen mit Freunden.

Organize readings, or lectures. Share your NBK-experiances with friends.

Vollrausch für volle Bäuche. Yamas!

Fragt, ob Ihr bei Konzerten/Parties eine Soli-Tresen machen könnt,

wo Ihr Getränke zugunsten von NBK verkauft.

Ask, if you can make a benefit bar at concerts/parties,

where you sell drinks to benefit NBK.

Shopping for a better future. Merch!

Verkauft Shirts, Buttons, Taschen,… mit NBK-Logo.

Sell shirts, button, bags with NBK-Logo.

Freedom´s just an other word for nothing left to lose- So: Sell your shit for benefit!

Miste Deinen Schrank, Keller, Dachboden aus und verkauf den Kram auf dem Trödel.

Check your wardrobe, cellar, storage room and sell your stuff at the fleemarket.

Bread and circuses for NBK.

Sammle schöne Preise und Gutscheine von befreundeten Läden und organisiere Spiele für NBK.

NoBorderBingo, Tombola, Versteigerung, Poker, Kegeln, Hamsterkämpfe…

Collect wins and vouchers from friendly shops and organize games for NBK.

NoBorderBingo, tombola, auction, poker, bowling, hamster fights…

NoodlesBaglesKuchen- Food for food

Verkauft Waffeln, Crepes, was auch immer…

Sell waffles, crepes, what ever…

Hot drinks for cold Lesvos

Glühweinstand- geht immer gut. Z.B. an der Uni.

Hot wine punsch- always sells well, for example at the university.

Amazing meals against fuckin´deals!

Fragt in befreundeten Restaurants, ob sie ein Soli-Gericht auf die Karte setzten würden und den Gewinn an NBK spenden.

Ask friendly restaurants, if they could offer a benefit dish and donate the profit to NBK.

Spread the word!

Informiert über die Arbeit von NBK und sammelt Spenden.

Provide information about NBK and collect donations.

Make capitalism history- Schnorren im großen Stil

Fragt befreundete/solidarische Unternehmen nach Spenden.

Ask friendly/solidary companies for donations.

The show must go on.

Fragt Kinos und Theater, ob sie Soli-Vorstellungen geben würden.

Ask cinemas and theatres, if they would make benefit shows.

Chapati Holiday

Yesterday on 24.12.16 we made a big Chapati Holiday Dinner. Several tousand portions we cooked. We had a beautiful day with good food. We was dancing to music and we had a lot of fun with all visitors.

Thank you for all the Social Kitchen from Mytilini, wo also cooked with us and for Kali:Mera who gave us the plates for the food. And also a huge thank you to all people, who helped cooking and baking Chapati!
And for our warehouse for the water and the vegetable market for the free vegetables!
And a big thank you to Attika( Save Assist Outreach) for the food and everything- that you help all the time 😉

Here we have first impressions from the Dinner (more will follow soon!)


6 Policecars in the Social Center

Gegen um 8 kamen 6 Polizeiautos zum Social Center.
Es waren nur zwei Personen munter, welche gerade Kaffee zubereiteten.

Die Polizei (darunter Polizisten der Spezialeinheit OPKE) kam in das Center und ging durch jeden Raum. Sie verlangten die Ausweise/Papiere der darin schlafenden Personen und zählten sie.
Danach verließen sie das Social Center.

Sie kontrollierten ebenso die umliegenden Gebäude und fanden auch da schlafende Personen vor. Einige davon berichteten später, dass sie geschlagen wurden.

Es mussten circa 15 Personen mit auf die Wache (Personalienkontrolle)


–> aktuelle Infos folgen 🙂

12.12.16 – policeviolence at the port

Yesterday news:

One of the NBK- Crew want to go to the ferry. Just to say goodbye to a friend.

At the gate one policemen without uniform asked her for her passport. She gives him her ID-Card. But he told her to leave this place.

She asked why. She just want to go to the ferry. But he say again, She have to leave.

She said:” I’m from Germany, so let me going to the ferry, or give me a reason, why i can not go inside the port”

After this he pushed her beside and punched her. She screamed for help. But there was two more civil policemen coming and they punched her too. Then she was laying on the ground and they still kicked her. She try to defend herself. In the affect she say “Fuck you” to them. They answered “Fuck you Germany!” While this she lost one of her shoe. Then one of the police guys grabbed her hair and pulled her up. The other one took her shoe and hit her with this. Then they pushed her at the wall and shout to open her legs wide. They put handcuffs on her and told her to come. She tried to stay there and told them, She don’t go without purse and bag (She lost it while they threat her like this). One of the guys take it. This police men, who bring her to the car had one hand on her handcuffs and with the other hand he pushed her head violently down. Then he throw her in the police car and locked the door. After one minute the other guy come back and say “Come out of the car. “ She asked him for his ID-Card. He punched her again. Then he freed her from the handcuffs and say, she have to leave the port.

After sharing this story, some off us wanted to show solidarity and presents. the ferry left and also the police. there was only one military boat with people on and outside the boat. after simply asking who was in charge for the security check they told us to leave this military zone. what we did.
we were on the way OUT when a black unmarked car stopped and four cops went out of the car. one of them loaded an automatic gun while getting out.
they told us to stand against a wall. because they were in a unmarked car we asked them to show us an id card from the police. we were asking for an international right while they had a gun and sticks in their hands.
of course they resisted to show us any id card and started to push us around.
they tried to arrest one of our friend in a violent way, he took his chance and run away. followed by two cops and a friend. they put him on the ground and kicked him. his friend was put down by a guy who just stopped his car without wearing any uniform and saying who he is.
the police left with our friend. we couldn’t get any aces to the police station or we could not talk to him.


Within 24 hours our friend had his trail this morning. Without having a chance of collecting evidences.
We got the information one hour before the trail, we tried to get the people together who witness the action last night.
Four of us made it to the court, but only one of us could speak as a witness. The judge didn’t want have a long trial.
One cop, one witness and the accused himself could speak.

We have no idea what the cop was saying, for the accused and the witness it was very difficult to give a statement. The translator cant speak good English and the judge interrupted the witness all the time. It was not possible to tell the full story.
After a trial of half an hour the sentence was 15 month (!!!!) on probation. (Insulting and pushing the police and resisting the arrest.)

In the end it was word against word…even tough 8-10 people could tell the truth. This is a fucking joke!

The police attacked two friends

okay the situation calmed down, but our friend is still in prison and we don’t know when we can see him again.

Earlier this evening one of our friends wanted aces to the ferry to say goodbye to a friend. it’s nothing special because only when u go upstairs the ferry they will check the tickets. after she was asked by a group of 3 persons claiming to be the police (without any uniform) she showed her european id card. they literally told her to piss off. after refusing this order she got thrown inside a corner and this three guys started to kick her.
after sharing this story, some off us wanted to show solidarity and presents. the ferry left and so the police. there was only one military boat with people on and outside the boat. after simply asking who was in charge for the security check they told us to leave this military zone. what we did.
we were on the way OUT when a black unmarked car stopped and four cops went out of the car. one of them loaded an automatic gun while getting out.
they told us to stand against a wall. because they were in a unmarked car we asked them to show us an id card from the police. we were asking for an international right while they had a gun and sticks in their hands.
of course they resisted to show us any id card and started to push us around.
they tried to arrest one of our friend in a violent way, he took his chance and run away. followed by two cops and a friend. they put him on the ground and kicked him. his friend was put down by a guy who just stopped his car without wearing any uniform and saying who he is.
the police left with our friend. we couldn’t get any aces to the police station nor we could talk to him.
so far we know he will get charged for any reason tomorrow morning.

  • we hope he will be alright!

Impressions of the Social Center 2.0

We are still cooking for more than 600 dishes. We are still here and support the people and we also take care for the people who sleep in the streets.

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Next to the kitchen we are still in the building and build step by step the new Social Center. We start to provide activities, like womens meetings, clothesdistribution, lawadvice for refugees and medical support.
Next project is the childrensarea with kindergarden. Keep updated! 😉

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Chapati Holiday – Chapati for everyone

There are some people who don’t understand the sarcasm in our Christmasposts, so we want to make it clear that we don’t want to celebrate on Christmas because of religious reasons.
On the 24th of December most people will sit with their families at their home and have a great meal, give presents, and be happy. But why should we exclude people who want to become a part of our society?

We are just making this event to sit together, have good and enough food, be tolerant of each other and have fun.

This is why we changed our post to the following :

Dear Friends,

Winter is coming! Soon it will be the holiday season.

We, the No Border Kitchen are still very much active on Lesvos, still trying to provide, as best we can, some of that which is most important to us: human dignity.

During the holidays, families and communities all over the world, all races, religions, nationalities, will be celebrating. Though differently interpreted and differently expressed, we celebrate the shared human experience of love.

We would like to invite you all to celebrate together with us on Lesvos, as one Lesvos family, on the 24th of December, right next to the campsite of our friends, on the former site of “better days for Moria”. For one day we want to bring back human dignity to each and everyone in this camp, absolutely no one excluded. We all have been on this island for more or less time, having our very own experiences, and each of us has a unique story to tell, whether we are one of those here from all around the world reaching out for a better life. One of the thousands of volunteers, lawyers, doctors, nurses, one of those working for the government as policeman or fireman, or for NGOs or completely independently, each as an inhabitant of this island, trying to contribute something to help each other in this situation.

To this day No Border Kitchen is still providing hundreds of meals daily. We are trying to accommodate each who reaches out to us, in the best way we can according to our ability on the given day. The holidays are coming, and for one day we want to be able to provide a celebratory experience, call it “Chipati-day,” for everyone stuck in this situation. But to prepare food for 6000-7000 people we will need your help.
We want to make Chipati-day great again; everyone is allowed to make everything great again, apparently, so we want to make the 24th great again for those stuck here.
We would love to have your support on that. This day shall not be about politics, religion, ideologies. It shall simply be about sharing and caring, like holidays are intended to be.

We would really love your support on that. Please feel free to donate money food, energy, infrastructure, input. We would love to have you here in person on that day. Honestly. That would be the greatest gift.

If you know anyone that might want to support our efforts. Please feel free to forward or share this.

If you want to support us financially, please use the following bank details:

Rote Hilfe OG Salzwedel
IBAN: DE93 4306 0967 4007 2383 12
Comment: NBK Lesvos Chapati

Happy Holidays, Happy Chipati-Day,
Love & peace,



Demonstration for Refugee- Rights 26.11.2016

Today there come more than 300 people together to make a demonstration for Freedom and Rights for Refugees in Mytilene. After the fire in Moria where 4 humans died the people are angry and want to leave this island. They don’t want to live like animals in overgrowded camps.
The demonstration was organised by NBK and Refugees to get the attention of the people. We will fight until the last refugee leave this island.
#openborders #nobordernonation
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