Freedom! 4th Saturday demonstration today

IMG-20160924-WA0000Today on September 24th, more people than all the last weeks took the streets of Mytilini in protest. We therefore completed a month of ongoing protest in the capital of Lesvos- every week with more and more people participating.

Monday this week it was shown again on the one hand that the people of Moria unite and will not keep quite about being detained in this island often for more than 6 months without perspective. On the other hand it also showed that the situation here is dangerous. Part of the danger is created by the state: the camp burned because people live in extremly overcrowded plastic tents- a condition that would not even be okay for short term emergency accomodation. The other part of the danger is shown in the attacks from local fascists.
We can only repeat over and over again: Lesvos is not a refuge.

Today people from Moria and other camps showed together with local comrades that none of us will stay silent when we face the inhuman conditions Fortress Europe creates on this island. The great support from local comrades made this weeks demonstration even more powerful than the last. Their presence was really felt and showed that we are not alone in this struggle.

Although the riot police was present, the demonstration stayed as non violent as the last weeks and several families with children therefore joined the demonstration. Also after the demonstration the NBK team did their best to make sure that there was no police repression and violence on refugees and that all the people got “home” safely.

Today we also, like the weeks before, marched together through the center to the port. This week the demontration was not only as big but also as loud as never before.
The slogans “We want freedom!”” No Moria” and “Open the borders” could be heard far and wide.