Call out for your solidarity and your support! Still cooking, still fighting.


After the eviction of our Social Center in the squatted and repaired factory and the expulsion of the beach across the road, the NBK found a new place. The NBSC at the new beach is a place where refugees, supporters and locals meet as friends. We work together, eat together and live together. There is shadow places, water, tea, urgently neede clothing and- what might be most important- a space for talks and solidarity outside of the overcrowded and for humans unworthy camps.

Every day we keep on working towards strengthening our structures.


Despite all the difficulties of the last weeks, we cook and distribute 650 meals every day. Of course vegan and tasty!

With this we especially support people that don‘t want to or can‘t accept the catastrophic conditions in the camps and their self-organizations.

To keep up our work and the autonomous structures on the island, we keep on needing your support and your solidarity. We welcome donations of money as well as people that feel like supporting us on the ground.

If you want to support us write to

Our project is needed in the situation we are in, but cannot offer a solution.

Instead we demand: