Even though we declared the protest of last Saturday as a peaceful demand of the release of Behrooz Arash and Kozhin Hussein and all illegally detained refugees, we have been deeply concerned about police violence and arbitrary arrests. We had mixed feelings about mobilizing people to join the gathering, because it was obvious that the risk of police violence would be high. It seems that police crime entered a new level of inhumanity on this island. People get arrested in handcuffs like criminals just to check their papers, sometimes they get detained for one night without any reason even if their papers are valid. After the last protest in Moria individuals got brutally pulled out of their shelters, arrested and charged without any evidences and are detained in different prisons all over Greece without any legal base. In a place like Moria, where pregnant women get beaten up by police, we expected the worst but couldn’t resist to show our rage about the injustice and our solidarity with people who tried to reach safety but instead of receive this right of protection get treated like criminals. Lucky us that the police kept quiet this time. Lucky us, that it seems like this time at least one of our common goals was achieved. Behrooz Arash and Kozhin Hussein got released of their unlawful detention on day 41 of Arash Hampays hungerstrike. Grateful for this moment of victory we continue our fight until human rights and justice are more than just fictive words in Europe.